Daily Archives: May 16, 2012

Riding Icelandic Horses on coast of Denmark


Nine ladies riding Icelandic horses along the west coast of Denmark on a lovely day.

Video length: 5 minutes 41 seconds
Music: “Like Sunflowers” from the album “Crow” by Eivör Pálsdóttir. She is singing in Icelandic. The title of the song in Icelandic is “Sum sólja og bøur”. She is from the Faroe Islands and has her roots in the Faroese ballads.
Uploaded by  on May 6, 2011

I enjoy listening to the sound of beautiful songs without being able to understand their meaning. This is good because I was only able to find the Icelandic lyrics. Google translate does not do an adequate job on translating Icelandic to English. It seems to be a love song.

Icelandic lyrics:
Hann angar Sum sólja og bøur,
Sum tað bláa hav,
hann sigur tær vakrastu søgur,
tá sól er farin í kav.
Hann droymir teir vakrastu dreymar
hvønn tann einasta dag,
droymur seg burtur
um dalar og heyggjar,
til støð tú ei hevur sæð,
á, um bert ein dag,
eg kundi flogið avstað við tær,
men vit hittast bara,
tá ið eg blundi,
í náttardreymum hjá mær.
Nú komin er kvøldarstund,
Eg droymi meg burtur til tín,
Og eg sovi mí søta blund,
Tú ert vagrasti dreymur mín

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