Balance in motion

These graceful athletes are learning vaulting and practicing their balance and strength.

Meanwhile… I’m trying to improve my balance by standing on one leg for as many seconds as possible, which isn’t very many seconds. I am rather wobbly and practice while gently touching a chair or a wall to give me needed stability. I practice standing beside my horses while they munch hay using them as a wall. This gives me quiet hang-out time with them and also balance practice.

How many seconds can you stand on one leg? Give it a try and find time to practice. Try the exercise while standing in line or brushing your teeth.

Stand and raise one leg up about a foot off the ground.
Hold for count of 10 seconds.

To increase the challenge stand on one leg with your eyes closed.


Filed under Riding

2 Responses to Balance in motion

  1. I had an excellent physiotherapy/centered riding training today 😀

  2. llh_admin

    Edited post to remove vaulting videos that no longer were displaying because they were made private on Youtube. Have replaced with a video about learning vaulting.