Icelandic horse dressage practice

Icelandics can also do dressage!

Young lady doing English dressage riding on her Icelandic horse

She comments that her Icelandic horse, Sola, can be very stubborn. Icelandics are known to be smart and have a mind of their own. They are both learning how to do dressage together. Icelandics are a gaited horse, who have a special gait called “tolt“. The Icelandic horse can also trot. Most dressage riding is done  with a trot.

Dressage is a French term meaning “training” and its purpose is to develop the horse’s natural athletic ability and willingness to work making him calm, supple and attentive to his rider.

Icelandic horse dressage

Video length: 3 minutes 31 seconds
Music: The music is an instrumental and very relaxing. “Expression” by Helen Jane Long, a British composer, musician and pianist.
Uploaded by  on Aug 12, 2010

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