I am initially working on increasing flexibility and balance with some gentle strength building through easy yoga practice. This also supports mindfulness, relaxation and focusing on the breath.
This is one of my favorite poses called “Child’s Pose” (Balasana).

Child's pose (balasana)
Bala means child. A pose or posture is called an “asana”. I find it very relaxing and helps to stretch out my spine, upper thighs and feet.
If just trying for the first time, then try finding examples that show a modified version leaning on pillows or with a milder stretch. There are many variations.
If you are a bit more flexible, then this is a good example. Toronto Star writer and yoga teacher Daphne Gordon demonstrates the Child’s pose.
Edited entry (removing video link for child’s pose for “inflexible” that was no longer working on Youtube). Have replaced video with another that has some examples of how to do child’s pose, including for the less flexible.