Learning Spanish

Learning Spanish

Aprendiendo español

Started May 2017  I wanted a place holder for the links for easy access. I am adding additional links / finding which are most useful for myself / adding descriptions about links.

Updated: November 29, 2018


Several resource in following link:

Open Culture list of free Spanish lessons

Memrise – Memrise is a Language learning Platform, includes Spanish. Has website and app version. Memrise basic app is highly rated, free, no ads. Extra features can be unlocked with a Memrise Pro subscription.

Duolingo – English speaker learn Spanish

https://www.memrise.com/course/342610/duolingo-spanish-vocabulary-in-progress/ Duolingo vocabulary supplement by zstoltz

SpanishDict – English / Spanish dictionary

Google Translate






Langfocus – discusses how to learn in many videos

SpanishHackers – Anthony and Jess blog -Tips, reviews of learning resources, some lessons


Quizlet – Flashcards / simple games – for learning vocabulary

Anki – Flashcards for learning

Lang-8    (As per blog message. They have suspended new accounts added in March 2017) Native speakers, including Spanish / English. Community to find a language partner. Help someone learn English, as they help you learn Spanish.

HiNative – Made by same people as Lang-8. Global Q&A platform for language learners. Ask and answer questions about language and culture with native speakers around the world.

HelloTalk    App for phones: global language and culture exchange community, connects you with native speakers of other languages (free)

Spanish lessons on Spotify


Fluencia.com – Purchase required for courses monthly fees

Study Spanish – Lots of free information, but also CDs and courses for purchase.

Ed Parsons

Lirica – Learn with music


Wouter Corduwener Dutch (30 languages)

Tim Keeley (26 languages)

Luca Lampariello (Italian – knows 13 languages)

Linguatraveller Patrick and I live in Lebanon (12 languages)

South African Lindie Botes (10 languages)

Egor Pak Russian (12 languages)

Lina Vasquez Busy Linguist (7 languages)

Hugues Baudrillat French (24 languages)

Polyglot Gathering

Alaric Polyglot Romanian (11 languages)

The Urban Eve Brazilian (13 languages)

Vladimir Skultety (19 languages)

Don Christian Ramsey (20 languages)

irishpolyglot Benny Lewis

laoshu505000 Moses McCormick

LindsayDoesLanguages Lindsay Williams

lingosteve Steve Kaufman

 Youtube channels

Spanish language news

Noticieros Televisa

Noticias Telemundo

Univision Noticias

RT en Español

CCTV Español

teleSUR tv


Noticieros Televisa

El Financiero Bloomberg

BBC Mundo

FRANCE 24 Español

AFPes Pangs


TVN (Chile news)

DW Documental

DW Historias Latinas


Story courses

http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/mividaloca/ – Mi Vida Loca

http://learner.org/series/destinos/ – Destinos is a good story to follow to learn Spanish.

http://www.celebratelanguages.com/esextra.html – @Extra

A tv series made in Spain to learn Spanish @Extra – Various people have the series on Youtube (The show is @Extra)

Learn Spanish lessons / teachers


Maria Español (17,757)

Blabbinit English (Spanish speakers learning English) (141,207)

Various channels in a playlist (just links to a video that leads to the channels)

Learn Spanish with SpanishPod101 (102,268)

Señor Jordan’s Spanish Videos

Professor Jason (55,440)

senorbelles (5,215)

Gringo Espanol (40,381)

Butterfly Spanish (245,939)

Learn Spanish (91,606)

SpanishSessions (19,344)

Maria Español (17,757)

LightSpeed Spanish (28,159)

The Spanish Blog (15,593)

En Simples Palabras – DIFERENTES TEMAS (principalmente IDIOMAS) (480,537)

SOL School of Language – practice both Spanish and English (teaching English in Spanish) (21,017)

Practiquemos (36,481)

Agustin Iruela – clasificados en cuatro niveles: A1, A2, B1 y B2 (21,184)

Sergi Martin Spanish in Barcelona (25,352)

Español Automático – Karo teaches (lady) (2,082)

Mextalki DE – conversations in Spanish (983)


Tu Escuela de Espanol (Spain)

Practiquemos by Catalina Moreno E.

Why Not Spanish?

Youtube channels for listening practice

These channels are a mish mash of Spanish language channels to help with listening skills in Spanish with various accents of real people in various countries.

Youtube Play list of various Spanish accents and some slang / vocabulary differences.



Dominican Republic

Nuria Piera – periodista news (68,000) 10/2018




LuisitoComunica – Mexico guy / some travel / amusing – doesn’t speak too fast (5,556,119)

superholly – bilingual jack of all trades – Every video is done in English and in Spanish (396,357)

YosStoP – Young lady Mexican / Comedic sketches. Divertido – Diferente – Atrevido – Irreverente (4,613,032)

JuStYosS – same woman as YosStoP channel  (3,156,443)  Que pasión soy Yoss, digo las cosas como son no y tengo pelos en la lengua. Este es un bonito canal de críticas a la sociedad desde mi punto de vista.

Comentario editorial de Alex Backman – Concienciaradio (pro-Trumper) (923,000) 10/2018

Sin Censura Media – independent political news Mexican (360,000) 10/2018

Easy Spanish

Spanish & Go (Jim & May)

Mexicans living in another country

Couples or individuals living in another country providing some travel and cultural observations of interest.

ikbenivonne “Una Mexicana en Holanda’ (710,120) – Holland

Mari en Londres (5,862) – London, England

Mexicana en Reino Unido (1,580) – England

Mexicana en Israel (46,213) – Israel

una MEXICANA viviendo en IRLANDA (33,761) – Ireland

Pame Koselig Mexicana en Noruega (14,886) – Norway

Aysylu, soy tartara y vivo en Kazan (22,045) – Russia

MAYRA SANCHEZ Mexicana en Japón (122,675) – Japan

mexicana viviendo en japon (420,058) – Japan

Yuri Monroy – Mexican married to a German (44,926) – Germany

Soy Mariana, una mexicana en Alemania  (21,909) – Germany

Yo soy Mirella una Mexicana en Paris (44,035) – Paris, France

Martha- Mexicana en Hungría (2,914) – Hungary

Mexicana en Bélgica (11,296) – Belgium

Mexicana en Austria  (24,312) – Austria

Mexicana en Italia (5,501) – Italy

Miku & Mane – young married couple (Mexico) (444,313) – Mexico

soy mexicana en Londres y me llamo Annalie (6,635) – London, England

Yo soy KILO, soy mexicana y vivo en Noruega (8,038) – Norway

Dear Montse -Una Mexicana en Bélgica (3,373) – Belgium (related channels listed)

Ricardo Marquina Montañana Este canal está dedicado a Rusia – Russia

Soy una Mexicana viviendo en Turquía desde el 2011 (26,899) – Turkey

Somos dos mexicanos que vivimos en Paris, Francia. Ana y Bern (2,384) – Paris, France

mi Nombre es Paty Picot, soy una Mexicana?? viviendo en PARIS,Francia (7,242)  – Paris, France (related channels listed)

Pamela & Steven Mexicana en China (13,538) – China

Mi nombre es Isabel y vivo en Texas – United States

Mexicana en el mundo (20,993) – Mexico

Ande Asiul – Edna. in Spain since 2010  – Spain

Mi vida en España karlaasinadamas – Spain

Una Mexicana en EspaÑa (1,022) – Spain

Te Quiero Corea (240,944)- Korea

Jose&Shei – Jose ( España ) Sheila ( México ) (9,988) – Mexico

El Salvador

Family El Salvador 4k  (8,600)

Fernanfloo-young man – jokster (21,500,000) – is this a Spanish Pewdiepie?

Amaya Zelaya young man (21,000 10/2018)


Gloria Alvarez periodista (8,420)


Laszlo Renteria (Argentinian with German girlfriend) (705) – Germany

Me Llamo Nathan Soy estadounidense with Argentinian family (bilingual) (12,103) – American in Argentina (LDS Mission)

Ultra Argentina (male voice over) (9,200) 10/2018   Ofrezco informes, explicaciones y periodismo real sobre política internacional, nacional y meta-política. Me interesa también las batallas culturales que se llevan a cabo actualmente.

Landing Dos – Nahuel, Argentina & Katri, Finland (several similar channels listed)

Costa Rica

desde Costa Rica por René Montiel (7,202) – Costa Rica


Ana Cristina Harris – Peruvian married to American (21,106) – United States

Un espacio para Ana – Este es un espacio para compartir nuestra pasión por lo libros, mangas, series de televisión y películas. (1,957) – Peru

Gabriela El alma de los libros (3,823) – Peru


Inna Moll – Chilean model in United States (vlogger) (252,052) – United States

Pura Raza Chilena (horses)

Hola Soy German (speaks very fast South American joker) (31,682,375)

Hola Chile La Red (192,486) – tv show in Chile

MIN MANSE – half Chilean / half Korean – living in Korea

Puerto Rico





Telemadrid Toda la información de Madrid

TVAgro conocimiento del mundo Agricola

Un programa con recetas fáciles Cocinaalnatural

Galope TV

AumentandoMiAutoestima.com (Spain accent – positive motivation videos) (327,423)

Pero eso es otra Historia – history in Spanish (Castillian accent)

Tu escuela – Spain accent

elrubiusOMG – young man – joker (24,500,000) – plays video games, misc

TheWillyrex – young man – video gamer (11,850,000)

En Busca de La Verdad y Misterio – man – Conspiracy – antiglobalist – speaks slowly & distinctly (sounds Spanish) (6oK)

Spain Revealed – James Blick New Zealand guy married to Spanish lady (Yolly).


MEGrisolano – American in Spain (young woman)







G I O V I -makeup (10,378)

Fermin – young man

GERONIMO HEGUABURU – elementary school age boys

TiranosTembladTV (84,117)

Federico Vigevani – does Photoshop (young man)

Anto Puñales – high school or middle school boy (603,468)

dosogasPlus (693,808) – Federico Vigevani, Mathías Sellanes y Juan Pablo Barbot


Gladys Seara – living in Venezuela (18,419)


Julián González – book club member

El Cuaderno de Chris -book club (1,591)

BookWulf (11,920)

Lector Otaku – book club (4,149)

Gringos – USA

American Boy

Miss Richito


Russian in Mexico (female)

Ford Quartermain (30s guy in Mexico)

Los Gringos tv

Miscellaneous – Not sure country accent

Geopolitical Alfredo Jalife


Dreaming Spanish

Cody and María

Espanol con Juan

Tata – does makeup videos (4,500)



Nekojitablog – man married to Japanese woman (1,200,000) – Japan

Story of Heidi (cartoon) (83,500)

FluentSpanglish (1,771) – kids blog with English and Spanish

alanxelmundo – travel vlog (894,000)

HispanTV – independent talking politics, etc. news.  HispanTV es un medio alternativo en lengua española, que se hace eco de las realidades del mundo con gran diversidad de noticias, reportajes, documentales, programas, series y películas.

enchufetv – comedic skits (14,000,000)

Candres Peredo – about digital trends, social media (4,120) – speaks clearly and not too fast (United States)

Spanish Balac (17,298) – lives in Thailand

Mary Pulido Vlogs (13,605) – lives in Russia

WatchMojo Español (889,897) – top 10 lists, pop culture


Flama tv (753,679)

Un canal Dedicado al desarrollo de tecnologías Web HTML5, CSS3 , Java Script y Node.js – teaching computer web development

Mia Astral young woman Law of Attraction etc.

Lot Tres Tristes Tigres (young men group singing, misc) (1,003,489)

El Robot de Platon with Aldo Bartra – science, exploring topics in Spanish (664,018)

El Robot de Colón (181,336) – about animals

Platzi (199,211) – sort of daily trending coverage (somewhat tech oriented)

Rita Y su Cerdita – young lady with her big “mini” pig

academiaplay – presenta su innovador proyecto educativo (283,643) http://academiaplay.es/ – Teach history lessons

Play list of misc Spanish videos (36,481) –  Several videos of “What is in your purse” pointing to channels speaking Spanish, etc.

wlNvrIJTP2k  How I became fluent in Spanish – Part 1/5

Reddit.com /r/learnspanish/ – Learn Spanish


Radio Nacional de España

tOn7ZPKAuS  Audiolibro – Louise Hay – Gratitud – Español Latino

Perro y Gato – children’s show

List from Reddit /r/learnspanish of Spanish Youtubers

Archipelago School

Hola Colega (young woman)

Pero Like (several teaching Spanish)

 About horses

El Caballo, Pura Raza Español (P.R.E)

El Caballo Árabe

toros en el campo andaluz precioso reportaje

Movies and tv shows

Note: Best to learn are shows with English and Spanish subtitles, English and Spanish audio with the Spanish audio matching the subtitles


Cable Girls – Las chicas del cable (Spain) – Netflix: Set in the 1920s, this is the story of four women from different backgrounds newly hired as operators for a phone company. Originally in Spanish with Castilian accent. Good story with character development and some historical social commentary. The Spanish audio matches the Spanish sub-titles! Has English audio and English sub-titles, though not an exact match. The Spanish said is close to what said in English for translation, but not word for word. To learn the story can watch in English or put on English sub-titles, then re-watch using Spanish audio with Spanish sub-titles. The Spanish matches exactly (nearly always). Can read along and listen. Can write down what is said for practice. Try listening and transcribing, then re-play with sub-titles to check. Very useful! Best show that have found. Has some music in English that plays at points, but there is not a lot of long dead silence or dramatic pauses that find in many “Spanish soap operas – novelas”.


Grand Hotel / Gran hotel (Spain)- Netflix: 1905. Julio, a young man, arrives at the Grand Hotel, an idyllic place in the middle of the countryside, to investigate the disappearance of his sister.

Metastisis – Netflix: If you liked English language “Breaking Bad”, then this is a good choice. The story has been re-made in Columbia with same script translated directly into Spanish.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt – Netflix: Originally in English. This is a bit of a dark comedy, but has me laughing. The Spanish spoken does not match the Spanish sub-titles (and what said in Spanish – as much as I can tell – is not a perfect match to the English sub-titles either). Would use just as listening practice.

Originally page created early May 2017

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