Just for Grins – Horse blows a raspberry

Horse blows a Bronx cheer (raspberry)

Bill is a travelling documentary filmmaker. His niece Olivia introduced him to this horse. Bill asks “Why do you like this one”? Answer: “Because he makes funny sounds.” The horse blows a raspberry. This is also called making a Bronx cheer. To humans it is a noise signifying derision, real or feigned.

Hopefully this is just a funny learned trick and not a nervous tick like ‘wind sucking‘. Horses under stress, particularly ones kept locked in stalls for extended periods of time, can develop stress habits. Perhaps this horse has learned that doing a nervous tick has gotten him rewards?

What do you think? Is this a trick? Or from stress? Or something in between?

Uploaded by  on Jan 4, 2011
Bill also has a blog.

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Filed under Horse health, Just for grins

Icelandic horse dressage practice

Icelandics can also do dressage!

Young lady doing English dressage riding on her Icelandic horse

She comments that her Icelandic horse, Sola, can be very stubborn. Icelandics are known to be smart and have a mind of their own. They are both learning how to do dressage together. Icelandics are a gaited horse, who have a special gait called “tolt“. The Icelandic horse can also trot. Most dressage riding is done  with a trot.

Dressage is a French term meaning “training” and its purpose is to develop the horse’s natural athletic ability and willingness to work making him calm, supple and attentive to his rider.


Icelandic horse dressage

Video length: 3 minutes 31 seconds
Music: The music is an instrumental and very relaxing. “Expression” by Helen Jane Long, a British composer, musician and pianist.
Uploaded by  on Aug 12, 2010

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Filed under Music

Snake in the barn

Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous.
– Chanakya

I’d add to that proverb to treat an unknown snake as if it is poisonous, just to be on the safe side. Guess that caution is true about treating many things in life.

Recently I was home by myself doing some mowing as was approaching sunset. The push mower died yet again in a too heavy patch of weeds. The sun was down and was getting dark, so I quit and pushed the mower up near the barn to cool off before putting it away.

Our barn has a fence panel that we use as a large gate . There is an open door into the “tack” room that has the light switch just inside the doorway.  I pulled back the fence panel and stepped in under the barn to turn on the light. Using what must be built-in instinct I stopped without thinking why, looked down and jumped backwards. Was that a dark shape on the ground moving? It was difficult to make out looking through my dusty sweaty no-line bifocals in the post sunset light. Was it my imagination? The shape moved again away from me. I took a half-step and leaned into the tack room to turn on the light. Whoa… a big snake heading along the edge of the wall towards where we store our hay bales. I moved off to the side to try to get a better look at it.

Snake was beige / brownish and at least 2 feet long and fatter than my thumb. It knew I was there. The snake curled up slightly when it got to the small corner.  If the snake just moved over 3-4 inches then it would have a clear path into the hay area.

Suddenly I wished I’d paid more attention to my snake identification. I knew it wasn’t a Rattlesnake. Wasn’t a Coral snake. Wasn’t a friendly little Garter snake. I kept my distance. Wasn’t sure whether friend or foe. Whatever it was, I didn’t want it to go inside to hide amongst our hay bales. Thankfully I wasn’t feeling panicky and merely felt a healthy cautious respect towards the snake.

Blue plastic horse stall rake

Horses were out in the yard grazing thankfully and out of the way. If need be, I could jump over the fence panel to get away. The sawdust rake happened to be right next to me. I had seen snake wranglers on tv use snake hooks to lift a snake up to move them without causing them upset. This plastic rake could work similarly and would keep the snake 6 feet away from me.

The snake was in a loose curled up S-shape at the corner keeping an eye on me. The snake blended very well into our sandy reddish tinted dirt. Even in the light would be easy to not notice this snake. They have very good camouflage.

I took the rake and slid the plastic tines up under the snake lifting it gently about 6 inches off the ground. I moved the snake away from the hay area. It slithered and fell off. Picked the snake up again and got it moved a bit more. It fell off again. Kept repeating. My snake handling  technique was improving. I got it out of the gate panel and several feet away from the barn. It was in even poorer light now.

At this point the snake was about 2 – 3 feet away from being able to get back into a completely dark area beside the barn through some fence panels or under wheelbarrows or the push lawnmower. What to do? Had to decide fast!

I’ve been soaking the horse’s hay in a wheeled plastic cooler to lower the sugar levels in the hay. I had not gotten around to soaking more hay earlier in the day and just given them hay in the slow-feeder small mesh hay bags. The cooler was even dry inside. The cooler was open about 3 feet away with the lid nearby.

The snake moved back towards the dark. I picked it up again and with a couple of tries was able to lift it up and tried to get it into the open cooler.  Half way in and the snake fell off back to the ground immediately heading off again. Where was the lid? Just off to the side of where I was standing by about 3 feet. I picked the snake up again and lifted it into the cooler this time, then reached over for the lid taking no more than a second or two. The snake was up and out of the cooler. Again lifted it up and into the cooler, this time keeping the rake over the top to discourage the snake from getting out while I grabbed the lid at my feet. The snake was at the bottom of the cooler. I quickly put on the lid and pushed down. Whoo!

Okay…some sort of beige / brown snake with patches on the body was in the cooler. I’d tried to figure out what shape of head or what the colored patches were like, but couldn’t see it well enough to know for sure. Didn’t see what type of eye pupil shape.

I closed the barn gate leaving on the light and carefully wheeled the snake in the cooler across the backyard and out the other gate onto the driveway under the good flood light at the garage. There was a heavy grey paving stone type brick up by the house, which I put on the cooler lid. I definitely was not going to open up the cooler to peek.

I went inside to clean my glasses, calm down and cool off sitting at my desk by a fan. Made myself some tea and searched the “Inter-webs” to try to figure out what type of snake this might be. I was treating it as if the snake was dangerous. Even if it wasn’t dangerous, I didn’t want a large snake in my hay area. We don’t have a rodent problem.

Steve’s Snaketuary in Texas had a video comparison between a non-venomous Texas Rat snake and a venomous Copperhead on Youtube. So was the snake a Texas Rat snake? I sure wanted it to be a Texas Rat snake, but if it wasn’t then I was sure glad it was gotten safely out of my barn and in that closed cooler on the driveway.

Uploaded by  on Sep 26, 2010

Thought I could safely release it to the wild. I was not going to transport the snake, even if in a container, by putting it in the car. I could call Animal Control, but would they probably kill it? I didn’t see any reason to kill the snake. Called my hubby, who was visiting his Mom, to let him know my plan to take the wheeled cooler with the snake safely closed inside to a nearby field to release it. There is a field area off to the side of a road with woods and bramble not too far away. There was good street lighting at a spot right by the road. That was doable and seemed best option for the snake.

Got the plastic rake, a large flashlight, and put on a head lamp. Locked up the house and wheeled the snake with the heavy brick on the lid down the street.  The grass on the side of the road by the field and woods was 2 feet high. No doubt there were other snakes possibly right in that grass. I positioned the cooler off the edge of the road and into the grass. I took the brick off the lid and set it aside on the road edge. Bumped the cooler to make sure the snake was knocked down and pulled off the lid and stood back.  The light from the street light and my head light shone down into the cooler. The snake was down at the bottom in what had been darkness. The snake in a second rose up with his head out the top of the cooler. I had a very good view.

Oh my! It was most definitely a venomous Copperhead snake! The snake moved out of the cooler and disappeared into the grass. I waited a bit, then pulled the cooler off onto the road and put the brick inside. Put on the lid and moved to the other side of the road. Whoo! No sign of Mr. or Ms. Copperhead. Shaken just a bit… I headed back home pulling the cooler with the brick. I stopped and called my hubby on the way.

I had read before my trek about Rat snakes and Copperheads. Copperheads are not very aggressive and unlikely to strike unless cornered and threatened. Most strikes are because they get stepped on. I was glad to know that their venom won’t kill you, though hurts badly and would make you very sick or lose some tissue near the bite. The initial strike often has no venom. The snake doesn’t want to waste the venom for a warning. The Copperhead has cat-like pupils. The Rat Snake has round pupils.

Didn’t know until later that they have an 8 – 24 acre range of territory, so still within range of our house. Our barn backs up to a small wooded area. No doubt there are more snakes behind our barn. Copperheads give birth to live babies about 8 inches long that are as venomous as the adults.

I’ve only seen one Copperhead a few years ago when out walking on a trail. We’ve lived here for over 20 years and I’ve only seen a large snake in the yard about 3 times usually when mowing. They always slither off in fear. I try to then just avoid the area for awhile. None have been near the barn.

I was glad I had carried my cell phone with me that night when out mowing in the backyard. Since that night I had planned to always head out to the barn with a flashlight after dark, but already haven’t done so. We should get some better lighting by at least fixing a broken switch that leaves some areas dark. I am more often taking my phone with me.

That’s my adventure – a snake in the barn.

Copperhead snake in hay by Tom Spinker on Flickr

Copperhead snake by Tom Spinker on Flickr (Creative Commons License)

Upcoming posts will be “How to tell the difference between a Rat Snake and a Copperhead.” and “Can you find the Copperhead?” They have very good camouflage.

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Filed under Nature

Just for Grins – Miniature horse trailer loading

Dan James and Dan Steers of “Double Dans Horsemanship” make demonstrating their horsemanship entertaining and fun. This video from Equitana Australia 2011 is a short comedy act loading a Miniature horse into a small trailer with an amusing method. In Australia they call a horse trailer a “float”.

Miniature horse trailer loading

Video length: 31 seconds
Uploaded by  on Nov 14, 2011

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Filed under Just for grins

Health progress: First quarter 2012

Spring has arrived

Bluebonnet with Honeybee hovering by Texas Eagle on Flickr

by Texas Eagle on Flickr (Creative Commons License)

We are into the 2nd quarter of 2012. How have I done so far this year?

A major goal in my health progress was improving my balance. I practice some everyday. I can even practice when standing in line at the grocery store. Overall my balance is much improved. This adds to my confidence for riding again.

I have been working nearly daily on my yoga  “Hero Pose” since early January. When I had kneeled and sat back into the pose my right knee, shin and ankle were so stiff that my right buttock was 4 inches above my heels.  Working on this pose has definitely helped stretch and strengthen my weak right knee. I can now kneel and sit back to rest both my left and right buttocks onto my heels. This position is called “Thunderbolt Pose” or  Vajrasana (Vajra = thunderbolt, Asana = pose). Maybe in another few months I will be able to do a proper Virasana pose (Hero Pose) with my buttocks on the floor between my legs.

My stamina and aerobic fitness is improving in the last month. This is mostly thanks to needing to mow our yard with a push mower. The self-propel aspect of the mower only mocks me by spinning one front wheel if the wheel is held up in the air. Starting and then pushing the non-self-propel mower works all sorts of muscles and makes for excellent interval training. When my heart beats too hard, I just stop the mower and walk off leaving the mower standing in the yard. This has prompted a couple of neighbors to come over to visit probably wondering about this somewhat odd behavior, if they can catch me before I head inside to sit in front of a fan.

Easter Eggs in grass by Mr. Juicebox on Flickr

by Mr. Juicebox on Flickr (Creative Commons License)

Twistur has had sore feet from Spring grass. Exercise is a recommended component to improving his health. I came up with a game to get in some jogging around the backyard for me and the horses. During an after Easter sale I bought a bunch of colored plastic eggs that were a penny apiece. I put them in the yard and then jog / walk from one to the other. Jogging between them as a minor goal makes the effort seem easier. I know that I just need to jog from Egg A to Egg B, then can rest. This is also a good game for the horses because they get a treat when we arrive at a goal egg. I can also jog around the eggs in circles or lay out a serpentine pattern. This makes things a bit more interesting and 10 minutes of trotting around the backyard goes fairly quickly. Twistur thinks it is great fun and enjoys trotting back and forth to get some treats. He shakes his head and has even been somewhat rambunctious. Haven’t tried it with Bangsi yet. Bangsi is more lazy, so might need a bit of encouragement to trot up with me.

Friday late afternoon we took a short trailer ride to a local trail parking at an area that unloads onto sand. We picked a trail path with few rocks. Twistur was eager to walk out fast on the sandy trail, but was ouchy over sandstone rocks. We met two curious Miniature donkeys through a fence. We enjoyed relaxing  watching the sun head down while the donkeys and horses grazed. Once I get new hoof boots, then can start taking Twistur out with me again for hike / ride combos.

I’m eating a lot more fruit after read that the new Weight Watchers doesn’t count them towards the Points. I haven’t joined any program and not really doing any “counting”. The mowing exercise is probably the main reason for any weight loss. I’d gained 5 pounds past my former max weight, but have lost that extra bonus and down to just my former maximum. Now… if I can avoid temptations and keep doing what is working.

I’m not all good. 😉 My sweet tooth encouraged me to buy a 6 inch solid chocolate Easter rabbit on that 75% off post-Easter sale. I got one for my hubby too, so we could be naughty together.

Delicious chocolate bunny ears. 

Chocolate rabbits

by SinoSplice on Flickr (Creative Commons License)


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Filed under Progress

Exercises to improve balance Level 6

These are exercises that I am using to improve my balance. I practice several times a day. The goal of the exercises is to improve my overall body proprioception and balance, as well as strength in my legs. Balancing will also improve core body strength.

The exercises increase in difficulty as balance improves. Hold onto something if necessary to maintain balance. I have used holding onto a chair, touching a wall, holding onto a low hanging tree branch, touching my foot on a step, and holding a broom handle.

With my eyes closed I am still mostly working on Level 1 and 2, but raising my leg higher.  With my eyes open I am working on improving at Level 3 and 4 and adding in more time at Level 5 exercises.

I am ready to begin adding in some Level 6 exercises.

Level 6: Stand on a soft surface like a foam pillow or balance cushion with both feet starting with exercises from Level 1.

– Keep practicing and advancing in difficulty repeating all the levels till you are standing on one foot with your eyes closed and able to move your foot in all directions.

* Please read my disclaimer.

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Filed under Human health

Hoof boots – Tread

Twistur has had Spring grass induced ‘sore foot’ episodes. Last year we got him a pair of Cavallo Simple Hoof Boots Size 1, which were intended as a therapy boot. They can be a therapeutic, as well as a protective boot. As advertised, they are easy to get on and off for the horse and the human. After he appeared normal we took him out on various walks and some rides with the boots. He didn’t particularly like wearing them. He seemed to tromp along and had a few stumbles. If his mind wasn’t busy and just standing, then he would cross his front legs and rub the boots or bite at them trying to scratch. He might prefer a hoof boot that doesn’t go up onto the pastern. I think they would just take a little getting used to for him.

He was definitely more comfortable on rocks wearing the hoof boots. If it is a trade-off between comfort on rocks vs itching or clomping, then definitely wearing them is worth it. Two of the nearby trail heads have large white granite rocks. He didn’t want to back out of the trailer and went sideways to stand on the ramp to avoid the rocks. I put on the hoof boots prior to loading next time, so he could have them on when he backed out. The hoof boots definitely helped him with standing on and travelling over rocks.

This Spring the hoof boots wouldn’t go on Twistur anymore. We need to go up a size. The hoof boots were too snug. After a trim they just squeezed on, if I made him stand to push them on. This is too tight. His front hooves are now more slightly oval in shape due to a longer toe. The difference is probably only 1/4 inch or so, but the fit was already on the snug side. The need for a new set of hoof boots has given me the chance to re-evaluate the options.

*** Update: November 10, 2012 – Twistur has grown out a flare on his front hooves that were no doubt from the laminitic episodes. The original hoof boots started fitting again. In between trims they are still getting snug, but I can get pre-set onto his hoof and his weight standing on the hoof boots pushes them on all the way. He is not clunking in the hoof boots and less tripping, which may indicate some of those issues were also from the laminitic feeling feet. We have been making several diet and management changes to try to resolve the laminitic episodes. There has been no evident hoof soreness in over a couple of months. We were still having some minor soreness during summer with weight shifting and not wanting to run around. He has been happy to move and no weight shifting. We are now getting out again wearing the hoof boots including rocks and concrete. Twistur hasn’t been tested with blood work, but he sure seems to have IR (insulin resistant syndrome). The Cavallo hoof boots continue to be a good choice for us. ***

During the last year Easyboot has come out with “The Trail”, which is similar in ease of putting on to the Cavallo hoof boots. It is recommended for “medium-distance riding of up to 25 miles per week (usually an average of 1 – 1 1/2 hours a day)”. Easycare says they are 20% lighter weight than the Simple Boot. The Easyboot Trail has the same tread as the Old Mac’s G2.

The Delta Hoof Boot looks like the same tread as the Cavallo Simple Boot, plus similar design overall. Turns out they are both made by Cavallo.

“Delta Horseshoes merged with the Mustad Group as of January 1, 2009 to become Delta/Mustad Hoofcare. They are now including the Delta Boot, developed and manufactured by Cavallo Horse and Rider Inc., in their range of hoofcare products. The Delta Boot will be offered in Delta/Mustad’s farrier supply channel throughout their worldwide distribution chain.” – Southwest Horse Trader July 23, 2009

I have been unsure about the treads on the hoof boots interfering with ‘gaiting’. The Icelandic tolt is a single foot racking gait. I’m not sure how much of a tread is really necessary or if too much tread could interfere with movement. I have been unable to find weights listed for the various boots. The weight of a hoof boot could affect the gait.

A couple of the hoof boots have an option to add studs for snow / ice, such as the Marquis and Renegades. This isn’t a concern where we live.

If you use hoof boots, then what type do you use or recommend? Pros / Cons? How does the traction of the tread affect your horse? Please leave a comment with your experience or opinion.

I couldn’t find a single place that showed the various treads of the horse hoof boots, so have put together this gallery. Clicking on a photo will open up a new tab for the website of the hoof boot.

Gallery of bottom of Hoof Boots showing Tread

Bottom of Cavallo Simple Hoof Boot

Cavallo Simple

Bottom of Delta Hoof Boot


Bottom of Cavallo Sport Hoof Boot

Cavallo Sport

Bottom of Easyboot Trail Hoof Boot

Easyboot Trail

Bottom of Old Mac's Hoof Boot

Old Mac

Bottom of Old Mac's G2 Hoof Boot

Old Mac's G2

Bottom of Easyboot Epic Hoof Boot

Easyboot Epic

Bottom of Easyboot Bare Hoof Boot

Easyboot Bare

Bottom of Easyboot Glove Hoof Boot

Easyboot Glove

Bottom of Easyboot Edge Hoof Boot

Easyboot Edge

Bottom of Easyboot Grip Hoof Boot

Easyboot Grip

Bottom of Renegade Hoof Boot


Bottom of Boa Hoof Boot


Bottom of Marquis Hoof Boot


Bottom of Hoofwing Hoof Boot


Bottom of Swiss Horse Boot

Swiss Horse Boot

Bottom of Equine Jogging Shoe

Equine Jogging Shoe

Bottom of Horse Mocs Hoof Boots

Horse Mocs


Filed under Horse health, Riding

Forest Boyz – Friesians in the Mist

The Forest Boyz are three Friesian stallions who live, work and play together in the forest of the Northern California coast. Meike (Feike x Leffert – 2004) & Menno (Feike x Sjaard – 2004) & Saphire (Rintse x Yk – 2005) are the best of friends. Laura Zugzda has gorgeous photographic prints and video of the Forest Boyz available.

The Forest Boyz – Friesians in the mist

Video length: 3 minutes 14 seconds
Uploaded by  on Nov 22, 2007
Music: “Classical Gas” by Mason Williams

I love watching “The Forest Boyz”, so will post more videos in future for Wednesday music feature.

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Filed under Music

Just for Grins – Hiking with horse, cow, & donkeys

Agnes hiking with Iroy, her Haflinger horse, Cowy, her Highland cow, and her two donkeys through valleys and forest near her home in France. Iroy is loose, as is one donkey. Sometimes Cowy is also loose. They all follow Agnes.

I wasn’t sure if this video should be a Wednesday music video due to the dramatic music or a “Just for Grins” Sunday video. A donkey at the end of the video makes a statement for Sunday smiles. What do you think? Did I make a right choice? Hope you enjoy it was much as I do.

Video length: 2 minutes 40 seconds
Music: “Ameno” by the French group, Era, a New Age music project by the French composer Eric Lévi. They use pseudo-Greek and pseudo-Latin lyrics (by Guy Protheroe) deliberately devoid of any exact meaning. Group “Era” website in French.
Uploaded by  on Jun 19, 2011

Learn about Highland Cattle, like Cowy.
Learn about Haflinger horses, like Iroy.

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Filed under Just for grins, Music

Let’s play – Parelli student playing with Arabian

Parelli students Ludovic Fournet and Fanny live in France. Fanny plays with her Arabian, Quatifa.


Video length: 4 minutes 53 seconds
Music: “Freight Train” written by Fred Eaglesmith sung by Chris Paulson. Chris Paulson is a singer/songwriter originally from the San Francisco Bay area. A modern day wandering minstrel, he’s spent the last 24 years on the road, performing throughout Europe, in Morroco, South Africa, Australia, Brasil, California, New York, and Mexico.
Uploaded by  on Jan 19, 2012

Their blogs are ‘dedicated to horses and how to contact them to get a perfect, natural harmony and enter into communion ….’ (using Google translate). Original French: “dédié aux chevaux et à la façon de communiquer avec eux pour obtenir une harmonie parfaite et naturelle et entrer en communion….”

They have beautiful photography of their Arabians on their blogs.

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