Daily Archives: July 15, 2012

Pardon to my imaginary fans

Real life with my horses takes precedence over my blogging hobby. My Wednesday Music video of Maari, the bored Icelandic mare, will serve double purpose and also count towards the Sunday “Just for Grins” this week. Pardon to my disappointed imaginary fans.

Twistur cut his right lower eyelid this week. Probably was late on Thurdsay, but I didn’t fully notice until late on Friday when the eye was showing some inflammation. Thankfully the eye was fine and the lid wasn’t a bad cut. Cannot figure out where this happened, but am really looking and feeling around places he might have rubbed. Twistur was into the vet clinic on Saturday. The vet and assistant prepped the eyelid and put in two sutures to hold the skin together. Prescribed some Bute and antibiotic eye drops. The sutures will be removed in about 10 days. I will write up about our experience in an upcoming post to add to the on-line anecdotal knowledge base on such incidents.

Our two hottest months of the year are underway and Twistur’s hair is longer than necessary. Today is overcast with a bit of a breeze, so it is a perfect day to bathe and clip Twistur.

Hope everyone is having a great day.

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