Just for Grins – Friesian filly playing in a water trough

Luna, the Friesian filly, has fun playing in a water trough and gets an unexpected surprise. Luna comes from Herman Hills Farm in Ohio and now lives with Katie and family in MN.

Friesian filly splashing in water trough.

This is so much fun!

Friesian filly splashing in water trough.

Great times!

Do you think the water trough is a bit too close to the electric fence?

Video length: 1 minute 9 seconds
Uploaded by  on Jul 19, 2009

Friesian filly gets a surprise and jumps.


Friesian filly wonders what just happened - staring back.

What the …?

Katie Kelley’s photography website in Mankato, MN
(Warning: Site opens with auto play music)

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